What is the ThetaHealing® technique?
The ThetaHealing meditation technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health. Her original book details her personal healing journey and her connection to the Creator utilizing her meditation technique. She did not start teaching the ThetaHealing technique until 2006 or so, after she had perfected the technique on herself.
The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy with the purpose of improvement in mind, body and spirit while getting closer to the Creator of All That Is (our God has many names and we call him Creator). It is a focused prayer to the Creator and allows you to train your mind, body and spirit to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle.
The ThetaHealing technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. It teaches how to put to use one's own natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by focused prayer utilizing a “Theta” and "delta" brainwave (incorporating physics and quantum physics), you can actually witness the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional wellbeing. We have learned that through the ThetaHealing Technique intuitive abilities can be used to bring about spontaneous changes and physical and emotional wellbeing.
I am a Certified ThetaHealer®. I have completed the Basic / Advanced DNA seminars and Instructor
courses for Basic and Advanced DNA in the ThetaHealing® technique.
To Learn more about the ThetaHealing technique, visit www.thetahealing.com or contact me for an appointment. I also conduct seminars and training to become a ThetaHelaer at Kaleidoscope Angels and Healing Spirit Cafe LLC.
"ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK at www.thetahealing.com"
Chirology is the study of the hand and its unique features (skin type, finger length, fingerprints and those crazy lines on your palm:) These features are determined by your biology and represent different behaviors that reflect in your emotions, thoughts, beliefs and actions. Some of these behaviors are 'hard-wired' in your brain and understanding what influences your choices will help allow awareness in your life.
The appointment involves a detailed explanation and analysis of your unique features. We will identify the different 'jigsaw' pieces that comprise your personal puzzle and put them back together with awareness. It is an amazing learning experience for both of us. The collaboration will be recorded and your own CD will be provided at the end of the session. Relationship readings can also be done between partners, siblings, family members and co-workers.
Anyone who has an interest in learning more about how your specific 'wiring' contributes to your beliefs and in turn your actions. Chirology can be used to help businesses understand and utilize their employees to create a win-win situation. Couples readings can be eye-opening when learning more about how your partner is wired and family readings are vital in understanding the actions and dynamics of your relatives.
If you have said or felt any of the following, you may want to take a closer look at Chirology:
- "Why do I always do that?"
- "Why do I pick the wrong partner?"
- Do you always feel like you are making the 'wrong' choices?
- Are your head and heart not always in agreement with yourchoices?
Sessions are by appointment only.